Kurrik, Helmi: Eesti rahvarõivad [Estonian Folk Costumes]
Tartu, Eesti rahva museumi kirjastus. 1938 (according to the title page of the French summary at the end of the volume, this is the second edition). xxii+(2)+221+(3) pages+lxviii plates+16 pages +5 pattern sheets in a pocket attached to the back paste-down (complete). Contemporary half-cloth, unknown bookbinder, bound with the original wrappers inside. Corners are a bit worn rubbed. Minor tears and creases in the margins of the pattern sheets. The original front wrapper is a bit creased and the original back wrapper is a bit darkened. A couple of library stamps: “Folklivsarkivet Lund” inside (there are also stamps on the pattern sheets). Illustrated. In Estonian with summary in French. The pattern sheets were originally issued in a separate folder. Author’s dedication in German: “Hrn. Dr. S. Svensson [most likely Sigfrid Svensson, 1901-1984, Swedish ethnologist] mit verbindlichen Dank und freundlichen gruss die Verf.-in. Tartu, d. 17 [?] Nov. 1938.” Issued in 4000 copies, this work still remains an important reference work on Estonian folk costumes.
Genre: Etnologi & antropologi
Genre: Etnologi & antropologi
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Pris: 1300 kr
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